I Want To Live— Thom Jones: A Review

“But the words wouldn’t come… couldn’t come.”

“Wow!” That was my reaction when I first read this wonderful story. It goes deeper with its will to live issue and churns our heart with magical yet real words. It’s a must read for everyone. Even if you do not like reading anything except steps-to-cook. This story will tell you what you have been missing all your life.

Mrs. Wilson will take you on her journey spanning some fifty years, though mainly concentrating towards fifty. She will tell you what love and friendship and family means. She will tell you what life is, why it is a blessing in itself, how we waste it without thinking and put a face over it. Here you will realize the need to tell people around you that you love them before it’s too late. Here you will find the need to be authentic, truthful and caring. Here you will see what losing oneself feels like.

The pain, the suffering, the desire, the overcoming, the letting go— everything has been written intensely. Beautiful imageries combined with a Schopenhauer outlook add a rich taste to the text. Heart-felt emotions, self-quarrelling and doubts about life make the story more compelling, beautiful and lovely.

The only fault is its use of some rough language making it inappropriate for school children. Not that it’s too rough and children don’t use rough language! Apart from that it makes a deep impact on our thinking about life and what lies beyond.

Final verdict: Beautiful, lovely and true. Must read.

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